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Pitbulls For Life

Cherry, with Daisy, a Dog Meat Trade Survivor.

We here at Don Cherry’s Pet Rescue Foundation donate and support many different organizations helping unwanted pets.  From Guinea pigs to cats to donkeys, we try to not to be bias in our preference.


But when an organization from Alberta  asks if they can have some signed Don Cherry memorabilia for a fundraising event plus a monetary donation, is there any doubt we would support such a cause.  On our website we have addressed the Breed Specific Legislation.

Click here: https://www.doncherryspetrescue.org/pitbull-propaganda/ ) that is responsible for killing hundreds, if not thousands of these “type” of dogs here in Ontario.


When reading through some of the literature on our site, you may see my bias in my personal opinions, though, as President of the Foundation I try to just give the public the facts and you decide what is wrong, fair, or just unbelievable.


Here is an instance with PitBulls for Life, on their partnering with numerous animal related organizations, Foundations, and businesses to promote a Canadian Dogs First Campaign.


Their aim is to remind the public that we as Canadians have our own domestic pet overpopulation problem, and want to encourage people to adopt locally before importing foreign rescue dogs.

To find out more about this campaign please click here: http://pitbullsforlife.com/canadian-dogs-first/


This type of logic does hold a lot of merit when you read their argument for such legislation.  You do have to admit, the topic of bringing in foreign dogs to Canada is complex, and needless to say controversial.  I, Cindy Cherry can see both sides of the argument. It is not my style to sit on the fence on such emotionally charged topic.  In fact one of our Simply Pets Package Dogs, “Daisy” was imported from Thailand, and barely escaped from becoming dinner over there.

Click this link to read Daisy’s story: https://www.doncherryspetrescue.org/rescue-stories/daisys-rescue-story/ In fact, the day that I am writing this story, Dec. 23,2016, 110 dogs arrived at the Toronto airport that were saved from China’s 10 day annual celebration in June from the  Lychee and Dog Meat Festival, in which about 10,000 dogs will meet there fate by being consumed.

Click this link to find out more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcNGnvuxrpM


So you can see that it is a very emotional topic.  You decide which side of the fence you fall on. But if you ever met Daisy like I do about once a week, (because she was adopted by my best friend), it would be a tough call.


Please check them out at: www.pitbullsforlife.com