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Ladybird Animal Sanctuary
Monetary Donation | Article by: Cindy Cherry
“Donny”- A “stray” Bulldog from the streets of Hamilton, Ontario with many health issues. Rescued: July 24, 2018 | Adopted: August 10th, 2018
They called themselves “The Ladybirds”. Best friends who shared their love for music. Over the years their bond held strong as they shared another passion and that was for animal welfare. It all started with a very sick cat named “Oliver”, abandoned at a local shelter.
Knowing his future was not a bright one, they saw a need to rescue him and thus specializing in rescuing the harder to adopt cases, ones with physical disabilities, seniors, and animals in need of expensive medical needs. Because of this vision The Ladybird Sanctuary was conceived and bonded these ladies even closer. You will find rescuing animals does bring people together by sharing the common goal of righting so many wrongs done to animals.
Read more about their accomplishments at:
“Parker”- A stray brought into the Hamilton Pound suffering from a ruptured eyeball. Brought to vet by LAS, had eye removed, and in 2 months was found a home.
Set “free” by a shortsighted owner, at Christie Conversation site in Flamborough, Ontario. Rescued: March 12, 2019 | Adopted March 25.
Mayonnaise- surrendered by owners because they were allergic to him. Nursed back to health after suffering from a urinary tract infection. Rescued: Oct 26, 2018 | Adopted Jan. 13, 2019.