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Critter Cabs Animal Rescue Transport
All can be transported, even wildlife.
Time well spent driving, when you can save cuties like these in need.
There are alot of groups of individuals who have found unique ways in assisting organized rescues. The founders of Critter Cabs saw such a need and filled it to develop a Canadian Transport Co-Ordination Group whose purpose is to safely transport rescue animals in need within Quebec and Ontario. People in this group are volunteers who give their time, gas and use of their vehicle to help rescue animals get where they need to go.
They work exclusively with rescue groups and approved provincial wildlife re-hab centers who need transport assistance. They offer transport to any species of animal, including wildlife and livestock, as long as they can find an appropriate vehicle.
Check out their Facebook page to utilize approve posts for most transport requests, freedom rides and helpful information about transporting animals safely at:
This Foundation is in a unique position, in that we not only give out grants to qualified organizations that are registered non-for-profit groups, but sometimes there are organizations that don’t meet such legal definitions.
This is where we come in. Because we are not a CRA registered “charity”, we have more flexibility on who we give money to. So, in wanting to support Critter Cabs, thirty-eight Petro-Canada and Esso gas cards were purchased for distribution amongst their drivers. How sweet is that?